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New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)

Saturday 17 June 2023 Open Day

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Saturday 17 June 2023
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What to expect: Look around our new state-of-the-art campus facilities; Discover NMITE's unique approach to educating the engineering workforce of the future; Learn more about our game-changing degree programmes; Find out about our scholarship & bursaries, admissions, and enrolment process; Explore student life here in Hereford, and chat with our students and academic teams; Take a tour of our new and accessible en-suite student accommodation; Refreshments available throughout the day;



NMITE – New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering

NMITE – New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)
NMITE has been designed to be different. To stand out from the crowd.

No lecture halls. No homework. No traditional exams. Just small teams of students, in an engineering studio, working 9-5 on real-world challenges set by real employers. With us, you’ll learn by doing.

A range of purpose-designed engineering courses -NMITE’s degrees were created with you, the NMITE student, in mind. We’ve thought about your future impact, your employability, and your experience in its entirety. We’ve worked with major industry employers and local organisations – our partners – to deliver NMITE’s stand-out approach and we are confident, that you will leave here fully prepared for the working world and the challenges that await you.

Support as and when you need it with your own allocated personal tutor -We’re even more confident you’ll achieve this with the unparalleled support found within the entire NMITE community. We’re a small Institution, we know our students as individuals, and you’ll spend more time with your professors and tutors than at most traditional universities. Our student support teams will get to know you too – tailoring the support you need to you as an individual. Trust us when we say, you’ll feel like part of something where everyone really matters.

Building the skills that will make you as employable as possible, as soon as you graduate -The most effective graduates, the ones who will become leaders and drive positive change in society, are the ones who exemplify much more than their academic ability alone: they are able to communicate with multiple audiences, be passionate about making positive change, responsive to legal and business needs, and creative in a world of limited resources. They will embody social responsibility and the joy of discovery. They are NMITE graduates.

Breaking down the barriers of higher education -NMITE’s approach is different, the first of its kind, but the degree will be no less valuable, and you’ll be more work ready at the end of it. We are also committed to breaking down conventional barriers to higher education – Maths and Physics at A Level would stand you in great stead for a place at NMITE, but they’re not a requirement as we are ready to teach you what you need to know. We have a range of engineering degree programmes that will set you up for success, and fast.

NMITE – New Model Institute for Technology and EngineeringNMITE – New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering

Contact Information

Lauren Fosterjohn 
New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)
New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering
Blackfriars Street
HR4 9HS 
01432 371 111 
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Where is New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)?

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